
Reducing landfill with our ‘Zero Waste’ Initiative

1st February 2019

Take a load of yarn destined for landfill, a bunch of talented designers and weavers and a Lancashire weaving mill determined to reduce its waste and what have you got?

The NEW Zero Waste collection from Ian Mankin!



This is the start of a series of initiatives to develop creative and environmentally friendly ways for reducing our waste such as yarns and offcuts. This particular exercise takes surplus yarns that are left over from the sampling process or unused in previous collections and turns them into stunning fabrics with sustainability at their heart. Not an easy task when there are such small amounts of some of the yarns but a challenge that our designers accepted and with which they succeeded!

There are some familiar designs in there, such as our Ticking Stripes like you’ve never seen them before, some Vintage Stripes with a bold new look and some brand new designs we hope you’ll love! For example, a classic Houndstooth with a chunky feel and a very interesting plain in our new fabric Gloucester which is anything but plain!

Discover our Zero Waste Initiative.


By nature these are small, limited edition runs, and though the fabrics won’t be available forever, our aim is to add to the collection as and when we have the surplus yarns, so watch this space!

So as not to waste further fabric we will be keeping sampling to a minimum, but you can always request a FREE returnable sample if small swatches run out.


We also have a great reservation process for our trade customers, where we can take a product out of stock for you for a 2-week period – this might come in handy for this collection as these are sold on a strictly first come, first served basis!

Interested or want to know more? Just give our sales team a call on 020 7722 0997 or drop them an email:

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